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2005-05-15 - 2:21 p.m.

The 7-Goddamn-11

You know, stalking is illegal. At least, I'm pretty sure it is.

But in spite of the fact that I know this, and I am very afraid of doing anything remotely illegal in this country (the 90% conviction rate Japan is well known for is damn scary, I think), I still go to the 7-goddamn-11.


Well, I went, almost every other night, and on weekends, hoping that I would spot him again. (Yes, I bought something each time. I'm not a complete freak.)

But, for a whole month, he was absent. Not there. Out. The housemates would joke, saying that he probably could only work during the holiday because of all the homework he gets from junior high.

Which was a fitting joke because he reappeared during the Golden week vacation. Just out of nowhere. It made me giggly.

Giggly enough, until a housemate spotted the ring.

'What does it mean when they were a wedding ring?' she asks the next night, after she purposely 'made' me go because she was just there and saw him. Gee, I don't know. (Athough, to be truthful, not all Japanese men wear their wedding bands. Particularly the older ones, and it really could be anything... *completely unconvinced*)

And yet (I thought I shouldn't type 'but' anymore), I still go. Especially now that he's there. Thursday, I went after work, and after I accidentally gave him the wrong change and immediately fixed my mistake, he chuckles, I chuckle, and that's it.

We giggled together.

Damn, I need another hobby. A better hobby.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...