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Ecchi Attack


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2004-05-17 - 6:18 p.m.

i think the shift key is not working...

It's odd, really.

You've probably seen as many advertisements of this as I have: handwriting analysis. Don't ask me why I'm thinking of this (it's been years since I have seen an ad for this service, and I've only had mine analyzed once, so...), but I'm thinking out it now.

For example, one thing I do remember: anyone who writes their 'I' with a small letter 'i' has low self-esteem, which makes sense since they can't even make the written symbol of self important-looking.

Actually, I do remember why I started thinking of it. During the 1st years' class. 'This is...' and 'Is this...' The teacher would first switch the order in 'This is' and the students fix the problem that arises by making the 'i' big and the 'T' small.


The one time I got my handwriting analyzed, during a cross-country train ride from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, the guy who did it said I had a short temper and was kind of bossy. I still have the slip at home somewhere... but whatever?

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