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2005-05-21 - 5:16 p.m.

Vacation 'To-Do' Lists

I think I've being overworked. But, I think that's all I want to say about that... Okay, that was a lie.

So, after weeks of 10-hour days, with an extra two or three for driving and stopping at convenience stores for breakfast and dinner, I finally have a semi-long break. A four-day holiday. Do you see me cheering?

Finally, a few days were I don't really have to wake up at 5 in the morning, and drive for about an hour to school. This weekend, I'm going to do all the damn things I needed to do for weeks.

Hey, a list!

  • Groceries: I have no food at home, really. Not breakfast food, anyway. I still have some food of the 'instant dinner' variety, but I'm never home in time to eat a decent dinner without feeling like I'm going to gain another unnecessary 5 pounds...

  • Clothes: I really, really, really need to be clothes for work. (And a couple outfits to wear when I go to the club in Roppongi with the other housemates when we get paid.)

  • Money: I need to send money to myself. It's been a while, and I do need to pay my student loan payments. I haven't done it yet 'cause everytime I'm off, the post offices are closed. (And I get fight with Mom last Sunday/Saturday night over it. She bitched, I got angry, she felt insulted, and that's the end of the conversation.)

Well, that's three things I have to deal with...

Mom, some time ago (March? April?) asked whenI'll be coming home. So, I'm planning to head home at the end of July and through August... you know, summer vacation.

To be truthful, I was really looking forward to it, until Mom and I fought. Nothing can ruin a mood more easily/more expensively than a conversation with Mom, I tell you what.

But, nonetheless, the money is saved up, and as soon as the money I send to my account at home gets there, and I pay off the due loan payments, I'm buying my ticket. It isn't because I miss America (you will not believe how more in touch I am with what's going in the US here than when I was at home), but because I miss everyone I know.

(And it doesn't hurt to pick up a few things like shampoo and Doublemint gum while at home.)

Of course, there's a few things I want to do at home, like karaoke with Pam and Alli and God-knows-who-else, and going to the beach...

Did you know?: In Japan, the beach season is fucked up. Completely. From the last week of July, when the weather finally clears up for good beach weather, till mid-August, when the jellyfish start rolling in, there's only three weeks of beach time for the whole fucking country of 125 million people. And, although there are plenty of rivers and lakes, they are not very popular (rivers are too fast, and lakes are very yucky). Man, does this country suck.

I want to watch bad American tv, and maybe record a 'my baby is too fat' episode of 'Maury'. Heck, a whole week of it. Why not, I'm on vacation.

I don't want to fight with Mom, and I don't want to worry at any point during my time home. I just want to have a good time.

And maybe finally buy myself that Apple laptop I've been eyeing since last year... Gues that will wait till I buy my ticket and saved enough again. Computers are expensive...

No 7-11 tonight. Guy has it on his left ring finger. What does that mean, anyway...

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