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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
... Rain on Saturday
... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
... Things that I miss... A work in progress...
... Cultural Communication

2004-06-11 - 6:52 a.m.

Evil Stepmother and Jun(e)

I feel gittery.

Let me start with Saturday. Last Saturday.

The night before, I was in a fairly foul mood. The only reason I can give is that it just happened. My housemates, after months of talking about it, were planning to make thier first payday weekend a blast and a half. Go to Tokyo. Get drunk. Hang and buy food.

I don't know if it was in that order, but in either case, it didn't happen. They weren't even willing to go to the nearby karaoke box at least.

(To be truthful, I've been bothering people to go to the karaoke box place with me for ages. At this rate, the next chance I'll have for singing in public is with my cousin at the naval base for Fourth of July weekend. Yay.)

So they were dull, and I was pissed.

The next day, I did my hair in what I can only describe as the 'evil stepmother': hair rolled in from the front to the back, like Cinderalla's evil stepmother. Only a little softer. (Throughout the whole day, I kept forgetting I did my hair that way. And it needed fake flowers, too.)

I went to Tokyo to pay for ticket home. Early. And for the rest of the afternoon, I was light and pretty well-at-ease. A very good mood. Bought a couple of books and a couple cds, too.

When I went home, there was only one person there, Laura, but that changed just as I thought I should head to bed.

Just after 10, in rolled in quite a few drunken coworkers, accompanied with a convience store boy. No, not the one from the 7-11. The one from the Save-On someone got obsessed with.

To be short, the poor boy, 17, seriously, played Old Maid with us for some time. The girl who invited him, Catherine, was more than a bit inebriated, and headed to bed around 1.30.

The boy likes hip-hop.

Laura, not drunk, but sensing I may want to time alone with the cute, if a bit young, Jun (his name), wanders off to bed too. She expected me to snosh him after she left. Or something to that affect. As if that is even remotely like me.

His ride, Chiba, and my coworker/Chiba's boyfriend Sam leave. (The assumption Jun and I had was the Chiba will come back. It was already 2-something, and it gets pretty damn dark at night out here.)

We wait for Chiba. Jun shows me pictures of his girlfriend. We listen to some rap. We wait for Chiba.

3-something, and I must be on some mental high from the trip into Tokyo, and the sunshine that day, a rarity during rainy season, 'cause I didn't feel sleepy.

Felt edge-y over having a stranger I didn't invite still in the house with me as hostess.

Gave Jun a ride. He didn't live far, but damn it was dark out there. Not too dark, though, 'cause the sky was growing lighter... from black to a fairly deep shade of blue.

Nice guy, Jun. And apparently Chiba didn't know he was supposed to have come back.

(Oh, and one more thing: Sam. Gay Welsh Hello Kitty fan. See, I can handle the gay and Hello Kitty thing, but Welsh!?)

And I laugh at myself.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...