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Ecchi Attack


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2004-01-26 - 3:24 p.m.

Chores in Tokyo/ Good Thoughts

So, last Saturday, I had to go to Tokyo.

Yes, I'm saying it as if was a chore, because that's what it felt like, A Big Chore.

The weekend before, I dilly-dallied my two free days away at home, mostly because I wanted to do laundry and one of my roommates has the horrible habit of washing three rags in hundreds of gallons of water for about approximately 20 times. Usually it's more like thirty, but after the first three at 6 o'clock in the morning two Sundays ago, when I woke up especially early just so that I could get to the machine in time, I went back to bed, cursing her germaphobic ass.

Nice girl, but she has an affinity for filling the house with the stench of industrial-strength bleach... and I don't want to write about her right now. I want to talk about happy thoughts. (I'll deal with my annoyance of her later.)

As if going to Tokyo on an errand or three with only a couple hundred bucks to burn and the first day of a period is the happiest time around.

But, I had to go to Tokyo to check if the money in my bank account was okay. I had bills to pay and overdue Christmas presents to buy. (It was there.) Also, aforementioned germaphobe, Aries/Taurus cusp roommmate asked me, if I could, to get her a few things.

Thinking it over, I should have said no, but, in spite of her habit to want to rule the house, quite literally, by commanding the rest of us to clean to her precise ways, well, she's a nice lady. Still should have said no?

The only strange thing that happen to me the whole day, hence the happy thought, was being hit on, again, in Shibuya, again.

Different guy.

He tried to talk to me at Tower Records, where I went to buy some postcards for aforementioned bleach freak, and he was nice. Okay. African French-speaker learning English at Nova, one of the much more well-known English schools (they have an office at every major train station).

I swear he was psychic at one point, saying that he mentions that I would like swimming. Sorry, I think that's psychic, since the only swimming I look like I can do is float. But it was true (ps. LOVE swimming, LOVE water, ect.), and that freaked me out a little.

But I left him, politely refusing the cup of coffee and the five minutes he wanted to spend with me because I had no idea how late it was and sooner or later I had to head home anyway.

(excuses, excuses.)

Happy thought about all this: I didn't feel cute. I have a cut on my forehead from trying too zealously to pop a zit (still do have that cut, but at least the zit is kind of gone... I think). I'm on my period. And my hair, while very unique in the frizzy, pick a comb, lose a comb way, didn't make me feel cute when I left the house that afternoon.

But I attracted a guy enough to get him to talk to me.

Good thoughts.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...