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Ecchi Attack


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2004-01-23 - 7:48 p.m.

Good Thoughts 101

Okay, I'm not in the mood right now for good thoughts, but I figured, since I am in a PMS mood and since I am ignoring my friends (the PMS term works better right now, but I don't feel like typing out the whole thing... but now I just typed all of this, so maybe I should have just typed out the term anyway), the only person that can cheer me up is me. Or maybe a very good comedian. Or maybe somebody that I know here.

But, for right now, it's just me, so...

During the Christmas break, which I spent with my mom's cousin Carmen, as opposed to my mom's sister Carmen, or her other cousin Carmen... sorry, Irrelevant information.


One of the last nights, she and I got dinner at the deli in the Fleet Activities Center on the Base. If your ever in front of the gate at Yokosuka Naval Base, it's the building right there next to the gate that everyone on foot has to pass by.

The sandwiches were okay, by the way.

In either case, she and I were eating our sandwiches, there was a tv on yakking about something, and by our table were a couple of sailors and their Japanese dates.

After we left, she tells me that one of the sailors was checking me out, but, dense me, I never notice anything. That's my one good quality maybe. Or maybe it's a bad thing that I probably wouldn't notice the world has ended until after the weekend.

But this sailor boy, a white guy about my age, was checking me out, while sitting with his cute little Japanese girl.

As my cousin told me, 'I wanted to tell you, but not in front of them, you know. It'll be weird. But you know what that means, girl. Those Japanese girls may be cute, but they don't have what we have.'

Meat. T&A. That sort of thing.

Okay, maybe it isn't the best thought, but it's nice to feel that someone checking me out when I felt rather unattractive.

(The opposite is also true. I hate it when I'm looking damn cute, but no one notices. But, then again, I am a little dense...

(And to be truthful, I'm more than happy when I notice that they notice when I'm not feeling all that cute, but I can never handle it when they come up to talk to me. Like that guy in Shibuya that stopped me more than once. I get hella scared...)

It was a good thought...

Another good thought? Or rather good feeling? Hearing a great song on the radio, and it came so randomly, without someone before it announcing they were going to play it. Happened today with Sum 41's Fat Lip. Yes I like the song. Yes I don't look like someone who likes that song.

Yes, it was a good thought...

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...