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2004-01-23 - 7:15 p.m.

Premenstrual Mood Slump

So I've taken to feeling lonely and bitchy and whiny lately. So...

It must be PMS.

It must be, because, except for that one single week a month, I don't care that my friends... okay, the people I know and know me (as seen with PMS), are on the other side of the world. It must be, because this is the only time of the month that I deliberately ignore everyone I know and that know me, although it isn't that hard since they are kind of on the other side of the world.

It must be, because every time I pass the liquor aisle at the grocery store or the supermarket or the convenience store, I feel like drinking. Just a little. Okay, maybe a lot. I don't know.

I never know. Ever.

But I do know this week. And I hate it. A lot.

The littlest things set me off. Just the other day, the day of my last update, I typed out the worst, saddest, most selfish and most depressed entry since my paper diary's entry for the last time I was going through PMS. Or, even better, the entries in my paper diary for the past week.

The only reasons you can't read it is because a. It took a lot out of me to be such a typical whiny bitch online and b. Whatever.

All in all, if I never speak to you again, that is, if you're someone I know and you know me and I'm ignoring you for a good long time, just know that I've decided to live in the shadow of my PMS thoughts and decisions forever. Which is why, to refer to the update that never saw the light of day:

Maybe I'll just stay here...

... Whatever.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...