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2004-01-07 - 1:32 p.m.

Worst Recap Ever...

It's been 13 days since my last update, and there is a lot to talk about, but I am afraid that I'll foget about half of the things I want to type about, and realize that the other half is stuff I really don't want to talk about.

This Christmas season was more dullard than I thought it would be. I spent it with my cousin at the naval base, but I think that it would have been better if I hadn't had visited her.

She did ask me to come, but, I don't think she had much fun with 'leaden, but still having a good time' Ily. She took me to salsa night at some club on the 26th, but I think I ruined it for her by making her feel she had to stay with me as opposed to hanging with her friends.

Yes, I know, it was rude and/or selfish of me not to have wanted to move to where all her friends are, but I felt more comfortable away from them than near them.

That ' arrogant' shyness of mine.

I bought a Gamecube as my Christmas present. I figured that, well, I usually don't get much of anything from anyone during the holidays anyway (the 'arrogant' shyness again), and Mom did put some money into my account for Christmas, so I bought 'Animal Crossing' with the money she gave. And, since, I need the system to play it in the first place, as opposed to staring at the manual that comes with the disk all day...

Prima gave a blanket. Mink Acrylic. The warmest thing I have ever slept under. (Please, no nasty thoughts with that one.)

So I was planning to get everyone presents via Amazon. But that always goes awry. The cause: I didn't send some of my money to my American account to pay so said gifts. It'll probably end up getting home on Valentine's instead.

I am a failure and a fool.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...