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2003-12-24 - 2:18 p.m.

Noche Buena

So, tomorrow's, uh, Christmas?, and uh, I have nothing to say.

No, seriously, I was going to update with something majorly heavy, truly meaty shit, but then I forgot what I was going to say.

And besides, doesn't the term 'meaty shit' gross you out even a little?

I've taken to reading Gundam Wing fanfiction again. Nothing new, just the stuff I know was good the first time.

I used to be a big fan of GW fanfiction. Heck, I wrote more than I thought would be possible for me on just Gundam Wing alone. I think I'm still writing, even though I'm more than certain no one in the community likes my fiction (or my personality, the acrid, anti-social thing.)

But I wrote fanfiction. And, at one point, I was pretty damn good at it. But whatever it was that I had then, I don't have now, and I think I can name it with three letters.

And maybe it isn't completely that. It could be that I'm now really damn bored with it, but I'm not. I still read it, and write it, and draw it too, apparently. It's just that, then, I was able to share it with someone, and now I can't. Not like I would want to, or could, anymore.

But, there's no use in dragging up my past mistakes, and successes. That should be my New Year's resolution, along with lose weight for once, and handle money better.

Sell that condo I own in the past and move the hell on.

Hey, maybe I'll start writing decent Gundam Seed fanfiction next. Or I'll get back to creating my own characters and writing completely original fiction again, like I did before Gundam Wing. Or maybe, and this in the way things are going anyway, I'm going to continue with GW, buy new furniture for my condo, and live my life like I am right now.

You just don't know.

Aren't I just a little spring of dark secrets lately?

Are there any decent Gamecube games out there? I don't want to spend 100 bucks on it and not have anything good to use it with. Besides Animal Crossing, that is.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...