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Ecchi Attack


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2003-12-22 - 2:47 p.m.

Que Triste Navidad...

You know what's great about Christmas Latin music. They have their priorities straight. Defintely.

I wouldn't mind singing half of those songs out loud. It isn't like I haven't sung songs like those when I was little. But, of course, because you probably can't read Spanish, let me do some translating.

Track 1: Christmas Storm (most likely about a freak hurricane in December, but that isn't the good stuff.)

Track 2: Rum. (Yeah.)

Track 3: To Drink the Whole World

Track 4: I want Rum.

Track 5: This Christmas (This is either about a broken heart, or, more likely, food and drinking. Follow the pattern.)

Track 6: Christmas, Christmas (Actually, this one is about either broken hearts or family. That's all Raulin sings anyway.)

Track 7: Weekend (Kind of self-explanitory. Any song with that title is Definitely about getting drunk. This group also sang the 'I want Rum' song earlier.)

Track 8: Chercha (Oh, how my Spanish has failed you), Party, and Beach (party-with-drinking-and-food-and-music song)

Track 9: Partying (Jossie Esteban is my favorite merenguero of all Fucking Time, and I know for a Fact this song is about getting drunk and eating good food. In that order.)

Track 10: If you don't give me something to drink. (This is actually a tradition song, like Jingle Bells in the US. Yes, it's about alcohol, too.)

Track 11: There's Great Joy (Party with food and drinks. Duh?)

Track 12: Drunk. (The ultimate conclusion.)

You know, it was only friday that I realized that Chirstmas was this week. I was kind of a surprise, you know. And now it's only, what, 3 days away?


As far as I'm concerned, I've been listening to the American radio station and J-wave almost fanatically, hoping that I will listen to some Christmas songs.

They aren't the ones that I want to listen to, like, say, the drunken merengues up there, or even better, the depressing bachatas, with titles such as 'What a Sad Christmas', 'Christmas without You', 'Bitter Christmas', and the like that makes the heart-broken, teary genre proud.

I've had some disappointing moments though. Just a couple. The worse being the almost-listening of the song 'The Christmas Shoes'.

This song is only a year old (a year only?! you're kidding?!) but I really do not like it. (Yes, I am a heartless, cold, bitter woman. That's why I like sappy, tear-drenched bachata so much).

Don't worry, I feel bad enough that the song is based on a true story some DJ told the band that plays it. And then they make the song and the same DJ plays it on the air. And that there's a novella and a made-for-goddamn-TV movie about it too. But that does not matter. I just don't like the song.

Maybe there is something wrong with me.

Well, there you have a nice dark secret of mine. I hate that song. Maybe I'd like the TV movie better.

Now bring out 'The Gift of The Magi'! That's Christmas depression I can stand.

I wonder if I should delete that last part...

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