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Ecchi Attack


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2003-12-03 - 1:14 p.m.

And, uh... ADD?

While looking for something to do in a book I found (anything more than that little entry will involve a lot more words, about three updates' worth), I found a game.

The board game's intent is to promote random free conversation in a English conversation class. Lots of good guestions, like in those diaries I had when I was still in junior high, that asked you questions about yourself for you to fill in, like:

What's your favorite subject?

Who's your favorite singer?

What's the one thing that none one knows about you?

One time, I did the stupid thing of writing out an answer to that last one on paper, in ink. The problem with that, of course, is that anyone with a decent command of the English language, when it comes to reading, can fid out exactly it is that I wrote down.

Thankfully, or maybe not, my mother was the first to read what I wrote there, and forced me to censor my answer with a thick black marker. She, of course, has her reasons, and I really am not one to disagree with her when she's right.

But, anyway, these questions that I found, there's too many to answer all at once, of course, and, even then, the point, at least to me, is to let anything and everything within me about said question out.

An exercise for my weak creative writing skills, perhaps. (Maybe I should work on spelling instead, though, huh.)

Oooh, and now for something completely different!

I'd like to thank "dvlzomb" from the Something Awful Forums and Something Awful's Comedy Goldmine. It's not exactly funny, but it woke me up a little. It's nice to be reminded of Gundam Wing once in a while...

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...