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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
... Rain on Saturday
... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
... Things that I miss... A work in progress...
... Cultural Communication

2003-11-26 - 5:22 p.m.

America Town, Japan

So, last weekend I spent three days or so with my cousin down at the naval base at Yokosuka. I figured that, since I don't get Thanksgiving off, which I'm guessing is a good thing since I certainly don't need the extra pounds from all the food, and I don't like spending time with the extended family, headed by a matron that would rather drink bamboo spinters (and die) than to come to my goodbye prty (I think, I'm guessing, I'm pretty sure), yay for the weekend.

I kind of forgot what I was talking about.

Man, that base is America Town. Inside, you pay for everything in American dollars, and some places outside accept them too. The stores have all American goods, and if I had money, I would have bought the newest copy of Shape magazine, which I love for its motivation value, but I instead drooled over the Gamecube I will be buying very soon.

Had pizza for the first time in months. It wasn't very good, but according to cous', it's very popular with the Japanese during Friendship day, the one day the base is totally open to the public.

(I really wanted some Taco Bell, though.)

Cousin Carmen, who's actually my mom's cousin, her mom and my granddad are siblins, was a blast to hang out with. She can't stay in time during karaoke though.

Went to karaoke. Fun! Blew out my vocal chords on the first song I sang though (Enrigue's Hero) so the rest of the night I sounded like I had a battalion of thorns in my throat. Or maybe bamboo splinters. Not sure. Got a laugh for that first song.

Cursed out a master sergent or something during my last song, because he accused me of a) being a New York Rican (which I am most certainly fucking not) and b) that I'm not really reading the Japanese.

'Fuck you'. Well, that is what I said.

Definitely had a good time.

Last week was really bad. I blame PMS, because if I say it's anything else's fault, I'll still be moody.

First, was the brief meeting with one of the HR people about how I was teaching. It was bad.

Then, well, that I'll just keep to myself. It's really nothing, I swear.

But I did start to cry Friday night, thinking about it all. Maybe it's the loneliness hitting too hard and mixing deliberately with pre-period hormones.

Still not feeling all that great about all of it. Not at all.

I also think I need an 8-ball. The tarot-card fortune-telling game on my cell said 'yes', but I don't want to believe that.

Okay, enough whining and cloak-and-daggering. It's really something I shouldn't worry about anymore.

Damn, I hope I get some money this payday. Shit...

Man, I know I wanted to write about something else, but I forgot what it was...

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...