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... New Year's Eve's Snow
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2003-11-18 - 3:21 p.m.

Bum-ish gloves for me

What a quiet day. Don't know why I'm writing...

So, one of my coworkers sent me a email earlier today, telling me she saw snow on the way to work, and that got me in a panic.

It snowing, and I have no coat yet.

Now, it isn't that I don't want a coat. I know I'm a big girl, but dammit, that doesn't mean I am as well insulated as a hybernating bear, or a very big guy. I'm not well-insulated at all, I just don't complain as much in public as others do.

I said 'in public'. Around friends and close family, however, I will complain until the aliens show up and claim they left a pyramid or two behind.

It's just that I don't have the cash yet to be spending on anything past the bare neccessities: food, gas, monthly comic books sometimes, and anything else I need immediately.

Looks like winter wear is fast climbing the charts when it comes to needs.

So, as it got very near 50 last night, I went to the store to get something warm. Anything I could, really.

I left with a pair of gloves and dinner for the night.

(Okay, I get a tiny weekly allowance of about 150 dollars from work. Yeah, it's tiny. I usually get it on Monday nights nowadays, and, by the time I get it, the cheap supermarket I go to for groceries is closed. So, instead, I went to the more expensive one by work, hoping I can catch some food for half-price.)

If it wasn't for the fact that they were going to close in about 30 minutes, and if I had more money to urge me on, I would have tried quite a few coats, but, since neither were the case, I looked but didn't bother.

So, I got gloves. They're pretty neat looking. They're like mittens with the very top cut off, so the tips of my fingers are exposed. Black and thick knitted, but I'm afraid for the tips of my fingers now...

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...