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2003-11-17 - 2:52 p.m.

The Amazing Spiderman...

Oh, darling, how I missed you...

So, the other day, like two weeks ago or something longer/similar, I finally got to catch Spiderman on TV. Great movie, btw. Very glad I saw it. BUT, Matt, roommate that I disliked but no longer dislike, complains, saying that he hates that movie.

Why?, I asked.

Because Spiderman is gay, he replies, a tad pissed. You know, for a straight guy that cringes at the mere thought of anything 'gay', he sure obsesses about it quite a bit. Maybe more than most people I know.

But, according to him, Peter Parker's gay. Mostly because he ditches MJ at the end of the movie.

This idea, of course, got me thinking. If Spidey's gay, who would be his paramour?

Nice new word that is, 'paramour'...

So, with a little help from Jesse, messy roommate with a love of DDR and anime, I figured that it would most likely be Wolverine.

Of course, Wolvie and Spidey. Don't they have that intense, er, tension between the two of them everytime they meet and stuff. Hell, I figure that they were together, of course, but then our frendly neighborhood Spiderman broke poor Weapon X's heart.

And if you can't see this, you may be a lot less obsessed with all the gay stuff than I am.

So, I saw Magical Samurai Girl, uh, I mean Kill Bill. It actually took me a while to remember the movie's name, I swear. Sorry.

It was great. Very decent. But there was the one little problem that half of the movie was in Japanese. And, despite the odds against it *snort*, I understood not all that much when the subtitles disappeared. Hell, that guy at the bar wasn't understandable in either language.

The one bad thing is that I spent some 40 dollars, on transportation and the movie. Then I ended up spending 20 bucks more when I accidently when to a Denny's for dinner.

I'm serious. I accidently walked in. I wasn't thinking or something, but I thought I was going into something like a Wendy's, but not Wendy's because I walked right by one a whole minute before entering the Denny's.

It wasn't until I was inside that I woke up. And I felt so stupid I didn't leave, but instead wrote my name down on the waiting list.

It is a restaurant...

The festival was great, but my face was really red with embarrassment during the dance at the opening ceremony.

Got no pics of it, mostly because everyone felt the same, especially the guys that were wearing bras and phallic swans coming out of the ladies' underwear they had put on.

The kids, however got a whole load of pics, I'm certain. Oh yes.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...