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2004-10-11 - 7:20 p.m.

The Last Few Days 1: Strange Week

So this was looking like a long entry, so I'm breaking it up into chunks. Fair warning, no?

So, last week, rather strange week. I think I'm starting to get into the swing of things. Maybe. Thingts are somewhat falling into place and work, and I think I know what I am doing.

However, I think that sometime before I go insane, I need to move out of the comapny house I'm at now. There's a few reasons, of course, both for and against the idea, and strangely enough lots of them revolve around one person, that isn't me.

Matt. He reminded me a little too much of Paul, and as such, I was (I think,) kind of rude to him at first. I felt about it when I did it, and I still do, but being in the same room with him makes me uncomfortable. As if I want to say something, but I'm afraid of insulting him/his intelligence or that it'll be nothing of interest to him (as if he heard it already).

I don't have this problem with everyone else there. He's the one that makes me uncomfortable. Maybe he still reminds me of Paul.

The other complaint I have somcerning him is his asshole-ish nature. Sure, lots of my best friends are assholes, but if you see me cleaning out plastic bottles, crushing them, and throwing the caps in the burnables, just so that it is presentable for recyclables day, more than once, wouldn't you pick up the cue and at least attempt it to, right after you saw me do it?

Maybe I'm expecting too much. God it pisses me off. But, like my mom once said when I griped about the trash bins at the pharmacy, so long ago, "don't worry about that shit".

So, I want to get out, so the sole reason that I had no one to answer to (and no one to question) but myself.

But, then I think of the trouble. The money I would need to move into a place. The things I would need to buy for myself (tv, furniture, stuff like that). And the fact that I would be moving away from said Matt's PS2.

Of course, then I remind myself that I don't play on his PS2 anyway.

So, I guess I'll be moving sometime in January. Maybe. Maybe he'll move before me. Now that would be sweet. And no hard work on my part.

I also got my alien registration card last week. On Wednesday. And my postal bank account. And my pretty, 'fresh blue' cell phone.

Which means that I contacted that guy from the classifieds. Which means I went on a date today. Which means that must wait till Part 2.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...