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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
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... Cultural Communication

2003-07-18 - 7:36 p.m.

The Great Visa Adventure, Part TWO... uh, update 2 of god knows how many...

So, uh, The Great Visa Adventure has entered its second stage. Right now, as I type this, my sad little package of rather important papers is on its way to Japan, and it is very likely that it will arrive sometime MONDAY!!!!

Fucking Monday.

Fucking Monday, leaving only four weeks for something that can take anywhere between THREE TO SIX FUCKING WEEKS!!!!

Um... I think I shouldn't scream like that, huh?

I can't enjoy the idea of going to Japan with this whole thing hanging over my head like this. If I don't get that visa in time, it'll just mean that I have to spend more money to first go to Japan in time under a temp. visitor stamp, leave Japan to some part of the US to get the visa, and then return once more to Japan to work.

I don't like spending moeny that gratuitously.

I also don't like the idea of making these people go through all this, only for me to back out on the last minute because of my own stupidity and poverty.


In corresponding news, no Otakon for me this year, thank you. I kind of full, and in need of the money. The guy whose room I was going to be in, however, understood. I'll be spending time with him, another friend, and my sister on Sunday.

Why doesn't anyone tell me to get my ass and wallet away from ANYTHING related to Japan? It's always ruining me.

On another note, does anyone want my stuff? Dirt cheap!

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...