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2003-07-11 - 9:17 p.m.

The Great Visa Adventure, Part II

I don't like the heat. I don't like the mosquitos. I don't like the feeling of sweat slipping down the center of my back, wet and warm and a horrible reminder of the glorious firehydrant summmer days of long ago, when I didn't have to worry about working or school or money, or other inconsequentials.

Damn, I shouldn't be listening to "Over the Rainbow" while writing. But that soft jazz cover, the high top keeping time for the smooth, understated piano and the warm, intimate voice of the singer can make anyone feel sentimental.

Okay, back to dance music for me.

The Great Visa Adventure, Part II, has been in action since this morning, when I went to get a bunch of passport-size photos. My hair was so big it needed its own zip code, but it'll have to do.

I went to the library from the country clerk's office in city hall next, so that I can scan one of the pictures for the company that's going to be hiring me, print out the visa application I have to sign, and print out the contract he had sent me to look over.

The library's scanner, which isn't a very good one by the way, is broken.

I printed out what I needed to do, rambled about something on a guestbook, and laughed happily at today's SomethingAwful update. It was horribly funny.

Unfortunately, despite all the progress I have made, I'm still not done. Due to my own personal negligence, I still don't have my diploma. And the earliest I can get it is Tuesday.


God damn Tuesday, because I had no money for it today. Because the offices at Temple don't open again until Monday. Because I work for 8.30 to 4.30 Monday, the exact same time the offices at Temple are open. Because God has a horrible sense of fucking humor.

I'm alright. Don't worry.

So, Tuesday it is, in spite of the fact that I need to this as fucking fast as possible. Maybe I can get out of work early on Monday and break speed limit laws and totally disregard safety regulations so that I can get my diploma and mail it off as fast as possible.

Yeah, let me do that. Less money, but I can make it up the rest of the week. God, I hate dealing with money...

On a side note: My left ear was hurting at work earlier... And now, actually. Only more proof that God thinks he's so fucking funny...

No, I'm not a hypochondriac, thank you.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...