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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
... Rain on Saturday
... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
... Things that I miss... A work in progress...
... Cultural Communication

2003-06-12 - 8:37 p.m.

Gentle, sweet, and obliging...

I could very well be fired tomorrow, but, I figure, that if that guy didn't complain today, than I have nothing to fear.

What?, you said to yourself.

Well, customer service isn't the greatest thing in the world to get involved with, especially if you're not the customer. Because I am on the other side of the counter, however, I must be the sweet, gentle, obliging female with the skills behind the lottery machine and a pen ready for the borrowing.

I got everything but the gentle part down, I think.

The customer, of course, does not have to be limited to anything. They can be rude, arrogant, kind, or an asshole. And I have to put up with it, because, otherwise, I have no job.

This particular customer came in with a ready-made attitude with him. He was upset because he was forced to pick up someone else's medicine just as he stepped inside his house after a long day at work. Irritable, he ignored the nice signs the pharmacy has up in compliance with HIPAA (or is it HIPPA), and demands service.

Charlotte, feeling overwhelmed at the moment, as I was since there were several other people waiting for assistance, was trying to help him, and another woman. She didn't know about what he had to pick up, and neither did the pharmacist. Only Alex, the tech, and myself knew, and since I couldn't get the medicine he wanted, and Alex was stuck in another part of the pharmacy, he had to wait.

The pharmacist says as much to the man in English as I started to assist another man who's medicine was ready to be picked up. Politely (because that's how I do it), I asked the hurried man to step back behind the red line on the floor so that I can serve the second man better, and comply with federal law, thank you.

The first man grew even more irritated, questioning my request as he took baby steps to where he needed to go. As he complained, telling me that Charlotte was helping him, I was relaying to him in Spanish what the pharmacist said, that he had to wait. She was helping someone else, and that he had to step back.

He asks me why, and I told him, 'Federal law.'

Immediately, he tells me to not be so curt with him, and I had lost it (well, not literally.) After arguing for a few moments more, he finally stepped back, and I was able to help the second person. I was so angry at him for getting under my skin like that that, even considering the fact that I'm the only person at the moment that can actually help him with Alex away, I didn't even want to look at him. Much less talk to him.

You know... I actually wanted to write about something else other than some irrated goof-ass that got under my skin. I forgive you for not reading any of it, because this is not something I would like to read on someone's weblog either.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...