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2003-04-28 - 2:10 p.m.

Yaoi-Con and Me?

So, I just had the biggest chuckle out of a webcomic a couple of seconds ago because one of the characters had on a glove. Well, not just any glove, admittedly, but rather that powerglove, or whatever it was called, that was sold as a peripheral (sp?) for the Nintendo. You know, the one with the buttons on your forearm?

*giggle, snort*

Today has been rather quiet. So was yesterday, actually. It's a wonder that people like me, considering that I'm rather bring.

On the interesting side, however, my brain has decided to focus on going to Yaoi-Con this year. Oh yeah, a convention for the sole purpose of having a big crowd of fag-hags ogle cute, gay guys on paper and film.

Eh, it's something to do, and I've never been to San Francisco. The real sad part is that I may actually have time to go out there in October. It's not like that I have anything lined up for me after graduation.

I'll just head out there and stay and the cheapest, most disgusting motel room within walking distance from the convention... on my own most likely since I doubt I'll find anyone I can trust in my sleep to stay with me out there. Or anyone that trusts me, if you want to think of it that way.

I'll spend time with people a whole lot more obsessed aout yaoi than I could ever be, and I'll end up spending more money on room and travel than in the dealer's room. I'll return home as broke as when I returned from Amine Expo in 2001 and Japan last summer.

But I'm certain I'll have fun if I go. Mostly because it will be for myself. Mostly because I'm spending the money, so I better. Mostly because it'll be something to do as I realize that my life is in a proverbial rut, a void of nothing, and I realize that I'm not doing with my life what I've always wanted to do.

Hell, maybe I'll just become the proverbial wanderer, get myself a motor home and hit the road.

Maybe not. Enough low-budget movies have told me that there's danger in them ther' 'other states' in the middle of this country. So I'll wander through Europe instead...

At least, that's something to do...

PS. The new pic comes from Yami no Matsuei, a show about agents of death (shinigami) dealing with wierd supernatural deaths. I though it was a great show, and the shonen-ai stuff was just icing on the cake...

And please forgive the typos...

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...