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2003-04-07 - 10:17 p.m.

Last JET of the day...

So I've been miserable for the past few days, and guess what, I'm still miserable. (Misery loves company, you know. Especially the uninvited guest kind.) The title of this entry, I hope, gives you a hint as to why I've gotten just a little bit worse.

On Friday, after school, but before work, I got a letter from New York's Consulate of Japan, informing me that I have not been chosen as a participant for the JET Programme.

Yes, pity me. Just thinking about it makes me feel all the worse.

And I'll try to stop whining here, because who really wants to read me cry my heart out on a rather public forum?

God's will... That's what everyone keeps trying to tell me, that it wasn't time for me to be accepted. That it wasn't God's will for me to go to Japan now. That I should have faith, and hope, and all those other good stuff.

To paraphrase George Carlin, if it was God's will that I won't go to Japan yet, then why did I bother in the first place? Why was I given an interview? Why wasn't I allowed to live my little life without it and all its troubles?

Please, don't answer that. I'm sure I can answer it for myself.

Let me stop before I give myself a headache.

I do hate having my pessimistic thoughts justified, but that was bound to happen, too...

And the hell was up with SNOW in the first week of April.

Edit: On a brighter note, I was able to draw what I think is the bestest think ever. (Well, at least for me.) Well... for now it's just a figure. Maybe I'll scan it and Photoshop the shit out of it.

That is, if I even bother finding time to put aside for that. A couple of research papers are in the way between me and a lot of sleep, much less pictures of cute girls in hammocks.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...