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Ecchi Attack


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2003-03-24 - 8:22 a.m.

Macadamia Nut

For those who care as much as I do: No, my brother hasn't been shipped off... yet. Considering how things are going, though, it's still very possible that he will be.

Okay, back to myself and my own problems... er, quirky stuff.

I've been using the hell out of Kazaa these past few days. Thanks to that beautiful, if slightly illegal program, I am now listening to 2 Hyped Brothers and a Dog's 'Doo Doo Brown'.

I'm sorry. It's a terrible song, but it's very entertaining.

I'm also feeling a lot healthier, thank you. The penecillin has been doing what it should have been doing, but I haven't been taking it as often as I should.

That goes double for the cough syrup I've been taking for... well... coughs. However, just because I'm pretty absentminded doesn't mean I'm stupid.

That cough syrup is dangerous. What did they tell me when they gave it to me? "This will cause drowsiness, so be careful."

I'm not so goofy to take a teaspoon of that stuff just before I get into my car and drive to school. Fuck that.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. I'm now on the road again, terrorizing Philadelphia drivers with my underage looks (come on, indulge me) and New Jersey plates. It feels weird, driving again, and this of course means I can't flirt with the (married) guy that I buy Septa tokens from, but it's for the best.

Now... it's time for Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea: Burning your favorite songs onto a CD.

Bad Idea: Burning your favorite musicians onto a CD.

The End.

Poor Mr. Skullhead.

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...