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2003-03-25 - 11:43 a.m.

Job I hate?

When I spent out of my car earlier today, I was got in a whiff of nostalgia. The air smelled of roasted nuts, which meant that the northern-blowing wind was pretty damn stong to carry the stench of the raw sewage plant this far up, but it was nostlagic all the same.

Yesterday, I went to the Italian Bistro with my coworkers and boss to celebrate two things. The first was a birthday and the second was my bosses' 35th anniversary.

Although everyone that hangs around me long enough notices that I complain about my job a little bit more than should be allow, I'm not sure there's much anger within me for it.

There's always days where I wish that all 22 stories of that building just collapses upon itself, and days where I just wish death on a handful of individuals, but can I really hate my job that much?

For every evil, ignorant, inconsiderate customer that pushes my buttons wrong, there's probably two that are nice and pleasant.

Okay, that may be an exaggeration. A better evil/good ratio is 3/2. Or 5/1. Or 29/1. I'm not certain, and I'm too bored there to really care.

That may the problem in and of itself. The boredom. I've been there too long, and my manager is an idiot.

Truth is, however much I want to quit that horrible job, I can't. Never mind the excuses, because most can see right through them. I don't have the courage, or stubbornness or stupidity, to go ahead and just call out permanently.

Right now, things are tougher than they should be, but not as tough as they could be here in Camden. If this piece of shit job helps us stay afloat here, then it's better than no job at all.

Okay, whining moment over. Go home.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...