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2003-03-19 - 2:30 p.m.

Sick day

I don't feel good.

Seriously speaking, I'm sick. Throat infection, we believe, and now I'm half-asleep at home. I don't want to go to bed, but, considering how bored I am right now...

School and work weren't options today, either. Yesterday, my only problem was my quickly fading/hoarse voice. Now, add soft, constant headache, lethargic motions, and uninteresting chills to the equation.

Goodness, I'm boring even when I'm sick.

Times like this, I'm glad I work at a pharmacy, where one of my coworkers was nice enough to supply me with some penicillin.

I wonder if I spelled that right.

In either case, I'm pooped out and bored. And these tablets taste nasty in that sickingly-sweet way penicillin always had. Remeber that pink medicine you would get as a kid that Mom had to keep in the refridgerator? Bingo.

I really shouldn't have done it, but last Sunday I bought more anime.

I wish I got addicted to a less expensive habit, like crack or Fabrege egg collecting.

In either case, I took a chance and bought the first volume of the cute-looking Chobits. I'm guessing my choice was made because I need a companion to the gay show I was buying (Descendents of Darkness/Yami no Matsue) or because I thought, once again, it looked pretty cute.

In either case, I learned later it's yet another thing from Clamp. And that the animation reminds me of the smooth computer graphics of, say, Love Hina. Maybe I should say 'art style', since everything's being done on the computer now.

Excel Saga taught me that.

The sad thing is, I already watched all my new anime earlier this week. Yet again, I'm sick and bored. Go figure.

But I did like it, sure.

Just 19 days till April 8th, the beginning of the second week of April.

There was something I wanted to write about here earlier this week, but I forgot. Hopefully, if I feel good enough to go to school tomorrow, I can do a new comic... or not have phlem to spit out every ten minutes.

I wonder if I spelled 'phlem' right... I think there's a 'g' somewhere in there, but...

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...