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Ecchi Attack


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2003-03-12 - 9:36 a.m.

Square... soft?

It's been a while. I really shouldn't do that.

Anyway, this week is spring break, and, unfortunately, I need money, so that means in a coulpe of minutes, I'm going to take a shower and go to work. It's not a very good life, I guess, but it's the only life I'm leading right now, so I really have to make the best of it, no?

A silly thought:

Squaresoft... square-soft... how cana square be soft, anyway. I mean, a square is hard. It has four really sharp points and those side have to be as dangerous as razors.

And, if you tried to make a square soft, with rounded-off, baby-proof points, and padded edges, it'll just end up looking like some sort of mishandled circle.

In other news, I'm not getting a lot of sleep now a days, either. Mostly because my brain keeps blabbering about stupid shit like the comment above.

My mind just doesn't shut up, it's amazing that I get any sleep at all.

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