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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
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... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
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... Cultural Communication

2004-07-09 - 8:08 p.m.

T-minus... aw, fuck that!

So, semi-officially, my trip home is something like a week and a half away.

Am I excited? Pretty much. Pretty much.

When I sent my mother the first half of my flight plan, just the part when and how I arrive in Philly, I wrote that I wanted to go to a diner and maybe a movie after she picks me up.

You see, she wants to keep my arrival a secret. She wants to surprise everyone the next morning when they see me leaving the house. They go, 'Oh my god, Ily, I thought you were in Japan.' And I'll go, 'Nah, I've just been in the basement for the last year.'

I figured, the plane is supposed to arrive at 6pm or so, and, as we all know, it's still light outside at 6. Heck, in the summer on a Wednesday where I live, half the damn block will be outside anyway, drinking or just chilling. Nosy neighbors can't stay inside when everyone else is out, so... Why not? She'll take me out, and hopefully we'll get home after 10. People should be at least inside by then.

Her reply goes as such:

Dios te Bendiga
Tendras animo para ir hacer todo eso que quieres por que ese viaje estan largo que yo estaria muerta de cansancio
claro podemos ir a comer y te dejo en las movies next day what you think.
no tienes que mandadrme copias ,con esto me basta.
well let me know any thing more.
Love you

Uh, translation?:

God bless you
You think you're going to have enough energy to do all that because that's a damn long flight and I would death on my feet after such a trip
Of course, we could go eat and that I'll drop you off at the movies the next morning, what you think.
You don't have to send me copies [of the iteriary (sp)], I'm good with this.

Did I ever tell you that I love my mom?

Did I tell you that I can't wait?

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...