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2004-02-18 - 2:05 p.m.

Looking for Daddy

You know, one would think I would have all sorts of interesting antedotes because, well, whatever. But I will tell you this. I don't. I live in a semi-rural area. It takes hours to get into the big city. Nothing happens here, ect., ect., ect.

But I would like to revive a thought I had last spring.. er, early summer. Some time ago.

Today, I only teach twice, once at a kindergarden in the morning, and the other to three kids at their home... which is really a temple, but forget that part.

In either case, at the kindy, a group of 2nd graders from the nearby elementary school came by to play and hang out with the kids, which ultimately meant I wasn't teaching anyone. Didn't mean I can go home, just meant I couldn't teach. I'm still required to play with the kids before lunch.

While playing, one of the second-graders came up and asked me if I had a father.

A father?

A father. Do I have a father?

He meant Daddy.

His teacher, one of the teachers at the kindy, and I were just staring at him as he asked, but the three of us all got it rather quickly.

The boy was hitting on me. Oh adorable. He made me laugh a lot.

So why is this a revival of that previous thought? Don't know, but I am looking through the classifieds again.

By far, this is the most boring entry yet, but at least it was better than yesterday's. Maybe.

I've been in a unusual daze as of late, anyway.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...