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Ecchi Attack


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2003-09-29 - 8:02 p.m.

Such a Gundam Wing fangirl...

So, just up to last night, this was part of my average train of thought:

Blah blah blah... month's almost over... blah blah blah... think I've stopped being a hopeless Gundam Wing fangirl... blah blah blah... can't stand those listservs anymore... blah blah blah... think I'm growing up... blah blah blah...

Then I can across a beautiful 5-box DVD set of Gundam Wing with the greatest illustrations on the box... except for Quatre, which looked as gueer as he did foolish when he was the only one that didn't look as amazing as green-skinned Heero, eye-shadow-toting Wufei, Duo the God-of-Scary-Sexy Stares, and Trowa, the magical flute playing nymph.

Of course each of these boxes, with 12 episodes or so each, is around 18,000 yen (about $150) each. Wufei's has the (supposedly rare) Even and Odd tapes, plus the OVA, so that's sort of worth it, but...

It better have some sort of 24k gold plating, those disks, with tha ability to make the boys jump out of the screen and perform any fangirl's extremely perverse wishes, In English Subtitles (or fairly convincing dubbing) for that price. Heck, each better be able to clean my bathroom while wearing practically nothing and making lurid comments about each other, and a free ticket to visit the lunar base they touted about sometime around the middle of the show. They better come with an 'Instant Yaoi Fetish Boy's Love Mix' where all I have to do is add water. They better...

Okay, I think you get the point.

Well, at least you know what I want for Christmas.

Well, that or a copy of Animal Crossing, complete with the game system. And a copy of FF-X2 if it comes out in time...

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...