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2003-07-09 - 7:49 p.m.

Complaining about Work... again

Oh dearie me, I have no topic today. Like that's new, no?

Well, I can at least that I hate my job again. Mismanagement of monies, idiotic bosses, and good ol' heat can make anyone feel that way, I think.

The bosses and the heat aren't new things, but the money issue has me rather upset. Only because: if they can't give the money order people the money that's rightfully theirs, how the hell am I going to get a raise? The money order company wants their machine back, because the money my work should be sending to them, the thousands of thousands of dollars each month we collect for their money orders, hasn't been arriving.

Actually, this happened last year when I was away. We ended up without a money order machine for months.

Now, this is the third time that this has happened at work, and it's very unlikely we'll get another company to help us out. If the money orders go this time, the NJ Lottery people will hear about it and will take away or big green machine too.

Without either of these things, there'll really be no need for me, even at the meager salary I am being paid now.

Here's to hoping things don't get that bad.

But things, of course, are bad already. We have more prescriptions waiting to be filled than we have the money to pay for the meds for the 'scripts to fill. There's scripts from MAY in that bin, and things aren't getting better.

We lie so much about those medications that all of us have a nice little space set out for us in Hell. Or maybe not, because it's not our fault. But who knows? Definitely not me.

Wow. A whole update of me complaining about work. How... typical.

On a side note, the interview I'm pinning my idiotic hopes on is tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, and hope with me that I don't stutter.

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