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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
... Rain on Saturday
... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
... Things that I miss... A work in progress...
... Cultural Communication

2003-07-03 - 9:38 p.m.

A perfectly good night ruined...

After this, I'm getting off the computer to get ready for tomorrow. Apparently, someone wants to go to the lake on the Fourth of July, and I have to get up in the ass-crack of dawn to get there for the remote chance of getting a picnic table on a day when everyone and the fucking mother is heading to the same goddamn lake.

What I wanted to do tomorrow, admittedly, is very simple: stay in bed. After a few days of waking up on the wrong side of the bed just for the pleasure of working (which, I admit, wasn't nearly as painful as it had been... more on that later), all I wanted was to sleep in.

And now I can't. However tempting it is to go swimming in a pretty, albeit tea RED, lake, I'd rather be sleeping.

So, after this, I'm going upstairs to look for a decent swimsuit and to shave. Oh, the horrors. Meh.

As for work, I'm afraid that I'm adjusting the the horrific low my life has found itself in. However much I try to apply to as many jobs online as I can, however much I wish I never had to look at another sick fool in the face and outright lie about when they'll get their medications, I actually found myself pretty perky the last few days.

I think it's the aftermath of all the moody period hormones disappearing... or, at the very least, backing up so that the endorphins can kick in.

Finally, I'm in a worse mood than usual, and not just because of the prospects of a wasted day of leisure tomorrow. It's vacation time for my special little brother as well, so, as he and his FUCKING WIFE (captions are funny) drive off to the motel they're no doubt staying in (or her mom's house, I don't know), I can't help but think, "God, why the fuck did he have to mess with my Rubik's cube."

Yep, just like VH1, I love the 80's.

I wonder how much of this entry will make any sense when I'm sober and awake. Um...

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...