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Ecchi Attack


... New Year's Eve's Snow
... Rain on Saturday
... Average Post about Purpose (and Comics)...
... Things that I miss... A work in progress...
... Cultural Communication

2003-04-18 - 12:43 p.m.


So, my car went completely breaky-breaky last night. Right after club, at around 9.15 pm, I couldn't get my car to start.

No one was answering the phone at home. The cops couldn't jumpstart my baby. And it was freaking cold. So, I had to leave my poor car on North Philly for the night and take Septa/Patco home.

So, this morning we (mom, sis, and me) drove up to where my car was, intent on jumpstarting it properly. 15 minutes or so later, Tony showed up to help out. (Mom was going to ask him to come, anyway, so he was on the road heading to the bridge by the time she called to ask 'Where are you?')

It wasn't the battery, however. It was the starter. After trying to jump start it, changing a small part, trying to jack the car up, deal with other cars, and with the rain falling nonstop, we called it quits at 11.30.

So... my car's still in North Philly, just outside the boundaries of campus. At least I know they really can't steal it since it doesn't even want to start. It just gives me the clicks and silently says 'fuck you'.

And that happened before the glorious romp through Camden in a mock funeral procession for what's-his-face, Jesus. My, isn't today fun!

The Past - Guestbook - The Future, Too

Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...