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... Cultural Communication

2003-04-16 - 7:53 p.m.


So, it's been a while since I've written a new entry. Let's see...

On Saturday my mom's car went breaky-breaky and her boyfriend had to tow her back to the garage she picked it up from only a few minutes before it went breaky-breaky. (I personally felt all romantic-ly when I imagined the strap connecting them was similar to the hand-holding shown in some romance comics. One leading the other, very romantic...)

Yeah, and on Sunday my sis and I were treated to a movie and lunch by our stepdad. Phone Booth, the movie we saw, was great, but if I ever met that no-talent shmuck that directed it, I'll give him some medication. His ADD was out of control.

On Monday... well it was Monday, and I ended up hating my manager even more. I hate thinking that I'm more competent than my own manager.

Tuesday was a 10-hour workday because of said manager (who's now in Puerto Rico because her sister-in-law died. No offense to the dead in-law, but goddamn that woman. The manager, not the sister-in-law. Does she really need to go, especially since there's no one to cover for her ass?) Actually, compared to the 4-hour day earlier, I was actually happier.

Today... it was a bit tiresome. I still have to work on two 10-pagers, I have two comics due... sort of, and my car is still slowly going breaky-breaky.

I think I blabbed too much for today. Maybe later I'll talk about that Aries and his obsession with his new car, among other things.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...