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2003-04-11 - 8:26 p.m.

JapanFest 2003

We held this year's Japanfest today, and let me just say that I wish I hit it with one of those taiko drummers.

It wasn't that he was tall. No, he's actually an inch or two shorter than I am. It was his energy. Watching him hit those drums and go through his routines with so much zest, so much passion, made me feel happy. Like I would love to have his child, even if he was small in more than stature.

Come on, he was Japanese.

In either case, I didn't, only because we both know there was no chance.

Let me explain it this way. Here is this pretty cute looking guy, (for a Japanese guy, at least) who came from Kyoto to do performances all over the world. There's no doubt, at least for me, that everywhere he goes, there's at least one girl that wants to be his 'foreign girlfriend'.

And then there's me, who is cute, but heavy on the frumpy side (and other things). I have nothing going for me but an overeagerness for some things and extreme shyness for others.

So let's leave it at that. There was no chance in my possible... um, to use a phrase from the over-quoted Fishigi Yugi, coupling with this taiko kid.

His girlfriend was probably one of those girls that dances to the taiko drums. Or maybe he has a boyfriend instead. One never knows.

Yes, friends, those grapes were probably sour anyway.

In lighter news, I'm thinking of ghetto-fying my hair for the JapanFest after-party being held on Sunday. Nothing major, just that 'braids half-way through the hair followed by glazed curls' look.

You can come too, but it IS in Philadelphia, PA. Polly Ester's. Sunday at 5pm. With a Tokyo DJ too. Whatever.

On an even stranger note, the night before I held a fundraiser. Its premise: Pay me to shut up. A dollar buys you a minute. They had me quiet for about 13m. and 25 seconds. Maybe next week they'll pay just a little bit more.

It's a shame that I'm that annoying, though, isn't it. People were willing to pay me to be quiet.

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Copyrighted 2003, 2004, 2005 Ileana Aponte... like anyone would want to steal this...